Install Guide
Install Guide for Painter Addon Pack
Install Mechanics.jar Plugin and UnearthMechanic.jar Full Wiki here
Install DirectionalBlocks Addon
and go to “ItemsAdder Content
”, drag and drop it to your plugins folder and it will be there.
and go to “Nexo Content
”, drag it to your plugins folder, then go to Nexo settings.yml
and put in false Pack.validate.models
and go to “Oraxen Content
”, drag it to your plugins folder, then go to Oraxen/settings.yml
and put in false Pack.atlas.generate
The Plugin still does not accept “paletted_permutations” so it will show a warning in the console that the textures do not exist, but other than that they will work correctly.
All my textures stopped working
What i can do, this is because Oraxen
normally takes care of generating the atlases for your custom paths, in this case you need to manually add them to your package, each of the folders that are in textures/
and models/
this way to the assets/minecraft/atlases/blocks.json
for example
How do I delete content?
Example with Nether bricks
To delete content you must go to
and for example remove "nether bricks
" from there following the json format, to verify that you have done it right use, then go to
And there remove the pallets from the block you do not want, for example with nether bricks
would be to remove
And once you remove that, you can go to either ItemsAdder
or Oraxen
and remove their configuration files from your, And as a last step go to UnearthMechanic
and remove traces of Nether Bricks from your configurations :)
Last updated